Our Values
Citizen juries should decide the outcome of court cases, not corporate lobbyists, politicians, or an overreaching government.
Accountable Iowa is a citizen-driven voice that advocates for our core values. As Iowans:
Holding Wrongdoers Accountable
We know that the best protection from a reckless driver, a dangerous corporation, a corrupt employer, or an overreaching government is our right to hold them accountable in a court of law.
Rights of the Individual
We recognize that the right to trial by a citizen jury, free from government-mandated limits, is a constitutional right protected by the 7th Amendment.
Valuing Life
We oppose any effort by politicians, special interests, or corporate lobbyists to force a one-size-fits-all, government-mandated dollar value on human life.
Accountable Iowa depends on voices like yours to advocate for our state. Join the fight to protect the right to trial by jury!